
The soon-masculine deity Robigus or Rubigus (lat .: Rōbīgus or Rūbīgus) rsp. (Rōbīgo or Rūbīgo) is one of the numerous gods of Roman mythology (the Ερυσιβίη Δημήτηρ of the Gorgonians and the Ερυσίβιος Ἀπόλλων the Rhodian [Ryodier]). She is responsible for cereal diseases such as cereal ointment and they were called to avoid mildew.

Her feast, Robigalia (lat .: Rōbīgālia and Rūbīgālia), was held on 24 April, according to Plinius, where the Flamen Quirinalis each sacrificed a rusty dog ​​(lat .: rōbīginōsus rsp. rūbīginōsus). Cultures are located at the fifth milestone of Via Claudia Augusta and Via Nomentana.

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