Finnish Mathematical Society
Logo of the Finnish Mathematical Society
The Finnish Mathematical Society (Suomen mathematicians Yhdistys Ry, SMY) was founded in 1868 and is thus one of the oldest mathematical societies. From the outset, one of the goals of the society was to encourage young people to study mathematics, which she now publishes a journal Silmu. In addition to the SMY's annual congresses, she is organizing Scandinavian mathematics conferences and a Matemaatik Kopäivät conference, which will present the latest mathematical research in Finland every two years.
With the Finnish Physical Society (SFS), the SMY publishes the journal Arkhimedes, which is published five times a year (in Finnish with English summary), which is distributed free of charge to its members. Your newsletter is called Eukleides. Together with the other Scandinavian mathematical societies, she publishes the Mathematica Scandinavica and the Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift.
The seat is the University of Helsinki. The SMY has about 350 members. In 1978, she organized the International Mathematics Congress (ICM) in Helsinki (under the leadership of Olli Lehto, Rolf Nevanlinna, Olli Lokki, Ilppo Simo Louhivaara). The logo is the module figure. Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext