Cannabis sativa varieties and hybrids

Cannabis sativa is a dioecious plant, that is, the sexes are presented in separate feet, making it very easy to obtain hybrids from the crossing of different varieties. Thanks to this and because there are many companies dedicated to the development of hybrids there is a very large number of varieties. In the producers' web pages you can find information about the cultivation requirements of each variety, the effects of their consumption, and in varieties already known or classic, the parents are also identified. Variedades autoflorecientes

Cannabis sativa is a plant that requires a short photoperiod to bloom, but there are varieties developed by professional growers that can flourish in any length of the lighting cycle after a period of generally short growth of about two months. Regular seed varieties

Regular cannabis seeds are obtained by natural pollination and give rise to male or female feet in the normal proportion, so it is necessary to identify the sex before full opening of the flowers to avoid pollination.


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