The Legion XII Victrix (Twelfth Legion "victorious") was a Roman legion, which is known only by tiles and bricks dating from the III-IV centuries discovered in Strasbourg. Little is known of it, and the most that there are suppositions, from those archaeological remains. It is believed to have been created by the Emperor Constantius I Chlorine at the end of the third century and dissolved at the beginning of the following century. Nevertheless, like the rest of legions that created take the cognomen Flavia in the first place, it has been indicated the possibility that in fact it was one of the legions created in the Gallic empire. Not to be confused with the oldest XII Fulminata, which was also known by the nickname Victrix. Nor with the Commune legion mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum as I Flavia victrix Constantine ("Flavia Victoriosa Constantina", oc. 5.252) at the disposal of the magister peditum praesentalis (General of the Infantry of campaign Imperial).


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