
Assembly of women in the Paxam Paraje (2010)

The Paxán or Paraje Paxán, Canton Gualtux, municipality of Santa Lucia la Reforma, department of Totonicapán, Guatemala.

The village is located at 1890 masl, and is characterized by its cold climate. Temperatures during the year range from a low of 5 degrees Celsius in December and January to a high of 24 degrees Celsius in the months of March and April, maintaining an average temperature of 19 degrees Celsius.

100% of the inhabitants of the community belong to the Quiche ethnic group, so the language that prevails is the Quiche language. However, within the community group, Spanish is also spoken. Most of the houses are of adobe and reed roof, although also can be observed wooden houses; The main hall of the school is constructed of block and roof of lamina. The Paraje Paxán is made up of 127 houses, this represents a total of 762 inhabitants.

The main economic activity is the sowing of basic grains such as corn and beans, coffee, as well as wage labor as day laborers in plantations in the region. Location

It is located approximately 242 km from the capital city, when arriving at the height of the place Cuatro Caminos on the road CA-1 takes the national route to the Cabecera Departamental of Totonicapán at a distance of 12 km. From the departmental head to the municipal head Santa Lucia La Reforma is a journey of approximately 35 km by dirt road.


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