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Cryptitis (synonyms: rectal cryptitis, anal cryptitis) is an inflammation in the area of ​​the rectum. The border of external skin and transitional epithelium of the anal canal to the mucous membrane of the rectum resembles a jagged line (linea dentata). The pips are called anal papillae, the "valleys" between the jagged crypts. In the crypts, which often correspond to probable pockets, the glands of anal glands open in their depths. If the performance of such a gland is blocked, the above-mentioned inflammation occurs.

Cryptitis is caused mainly by bowel emptying problems in which feces are pressed into the pockets of the crypts. An infection of the anal gland (incomplete anal fistula or proctodeal gland infections) can develop from cryptitis. The transition to this is fluid. Edit source text Single-level Edit source text


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