
Jimo (Pinyin Jímò Shì) is a city in the province of Shandong, east of the People's Republic of China. It was founded under the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Jimo is part of the administrative district of Qingdao, a city with an area of ​​1727 km² and 1,177,200 inhabitants (end of 2010). At the community level, Jimo consists of five streets and 18 large communities. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Commons: Jimo - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

36.383333333333120.46666666667Koordinaten: 36 ° 23'N, 120 ° 28'W Plane of Qingdao

Chengyang - Huangdao - Jiaozhou - Jimo - Laixi - Laoshan - Licang - Pingdu - Shibei - Shinan


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