

Chácaras are known as percussion music instruments in the Canary Islands. The Chácaras are found on the islands of El Hierro and La Gomera and are played as folk drums for traditional songs on the islands.

The percussion instrument consists of two half-shells made of hardwood, with a hollow inner resonance body; the basic form is similar to the Spanish castanets, but they are considerably larger. There are two Chácaras variants - one with lower pitch, the macho (male) played in the right hand, and a higher, the hembra ('females'), which is beaten with the left hand as accompaniment.

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In the original language Guanche, Chácara - derived from the berberian word šakar - means hoof, which in turn illustrates the form of the instrument and, on the other hand, the sound of a galloping horse. The exact dating of the origin is not used. Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext Edit source text


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