Matthew Ulicky
Matthew Ulicky († 11 September 1627) was a deacon in Bohemian Chaslau.
Ulicky was in church service in Bohemia, where he worked as a deacon in Chaslau. The turning point in his life marked the presentation of the Last Supper under both forms, that is, the laity participated in the cup communion. This led to his attempt to arrest him, as did his Reformation proclamation. He left for Hungary, Austria and Moravia. Finally, he returned to Bohemia to look after his church. Ulicky was arrested on the way home from a hospital visit. When he was executed on September 11, 1627, he was first beheaded by the right hand, with whom he had handed the lay-badge before he was decapitated. Anniversary Edit the source text
12th September in the Evangelische Namenkalender. Single-level Edit source text