Eldridge Cleaver

Eldridge Cleaver.

Leroy Eldridge Cleaver (August 31, 1935-1998), American writer, political activist. Minister of Information of the Black Panthers.

Cleaver defends the rights of the Afro-American community and develops the postulates of the Black Panther Party, which achieved fundamental gains for equal rights in the United States. books Other "The most rigorous tests Johnson has to face are the war in Vietnam and the black revolution in his own country. The fact that Pentagon brains have considered it prudent to send 16% of Black troops to Vietnam is an indication that there is a structural relationship between these two theaters of struggle. The relationship between the genocide in Vietnam and the smiles that white addresses to black Americans is a direct relationship. Once the white man solves his problem in the East, he will return his fury against the blacks of the United States. "


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