Created (daughter of Creonte)

For other uses of this term, see Creusa. 4th century crátera a. C. representing the gift of Medea to Creusa.

In Greek mythology, Creusa (also called Glauca or Glauce) is the daughter of Creon, king of Corinth.

He married Jason, who for this reason repudiated Medea, but she took revenge in this way: pretending to make peace with Creusa, Medea sent her children to give the princess a tunic and a diadem, impregnated with poison . Thus, when Creusa put on the ornaments, almost instantly, his sensitive skin began to corrode and flames appeared from his hair. King Creon, seeing his daughter calling for help, attempted to remove the ornaments, but their poison was so strong that it killed both of them. Medea, full of madness, also killed its own children, to revenge in them of Jason, Feres and Mermeros.


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