courtesy particles
Courtesy particles are invariable, that is, non-inflectable words (particles) which serve the addressing of persons and signal a polite attitude or expression.
Courtesy particles are to be found in different languages. For example, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Thai, and Indonesian use such particles or words. Thai LanguageChange text
In Thai, the politeness particles are attached to the end of a sentence. In case of several sentences or in a speech they are only to be used occasionally. The courtesy particles are gender-specific but, unlike the personal pronouns, are not age-specific. Boys and men use คับ k (khrap, IPA [kʰrap] with high tone), girls and women use ค่ะ (kha, IPA [kʰa] with falling tone).
Courtesy particles are applied from the upper language (ภาษา เขียน, IPA [pʰaː-sǎː kʰǐan]). A modified variant is usually used for monks, while the monks do not use courtesy particles to the laity, including the king. But they talk with each other with special particles.