
The Cenomanians (lat. Cenomani) were a Celtic-Gallic tribe from the lower Seine and the Loire region. They belonged to the larger group of Aulerkers as a sub-tribe.

A part of the Cenomanians settled at Le Mans, another part moved to Northern Italy (Gallia cisalpina). They presumably inhabited there an area bordered by the rivers Padus (Po), Ollius (Oglio) and Athesis (Etsch). Their main place there was Brixia (today Brescia).

In the 3rd and 2nd century BC, They were allied with the Romans against other Gallic tribes. They first joined the rebellion under the Carthagian Hamilkar against the Romans. 196 v. In the Battle of Larius Lacus (on Lake Como) they left the insubrians and concluded a separate peace with the Romans. Edit source text


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