Prehistoric fort of Penchâteau

Penchâteau (peninsula) is a section of the Iron Age (5th century BC) on the Atlantic coast near Le Pouliguen, in the department of Loire-Atlantique, France.

Characteristic is the location at an exposed place, here on a steep sea coast. These delimitations, which are particularly widespread in the British Isles, and which are called Promontory Forts, are, the pre-mountain fort at the Pointe de Lostmarc'h on the continent is otherwise less frequent.

A Gaulish camp and a Celtic camp in the immediate vicinity were recorded here. Both are included in the list of Monuments historiques, the Gallierslager since 1996 under the number PA44000002 (Graben) and the Celtic camp since 1979 under the number PA00108781 (Wall). Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text

47.259444444444-2.42Koordinaten: 47° 15′ 34″ N, 2° 25′ 12″ W


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