Electric City

Electric City Electric City - is a song by the Black Eyed Peas group, which is on their fifth studio album: The E.N.D. He has Fergie as lead vocals. The tone of this song refers to its name since the majority contains Electro rhythms and in the choruses it contains Dance rhythms. In addition the 3 members of the group use an Auto-Tune too noticeable in the verses of the single (Except Fergie in some occasions of the Choir) and contains elements of "I Want Candy" originally interpreted by The Strangeloves. This song was never released or used as a promotional single as it has gone unnoticed. Vocal Distribution

With a melody of the genre Electro The Black Eyed Peas we interpret the song as follows: Will.i.Am = Verse 2

Fergie = Verso 1, Choir

Taboo = Away

Apl.de.Ap = Verso 3


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