Demetrio the Beautiful
Demetrius the Beautiful (in Ancient Greek, Δημήτριος ὁ καλός) was an Antigonid prince, king of Cyrene.
Son of Demetrio Poliorcetes, king of Macedonia, and his fifth wife, Ptolemais, was appointed to reign in Cyrene by marrying Berenice II, daughter of King Magas, died in 250 BC. C ..
Surely it was this Demetrius who led the Macedonian army to stop one of the invasions of Pyrrhus, king of Epirus.
Berenice made him assassinate in 248 BC. C., when it discovered that it was lover of its mother Apama.
From a first union with such a Olympia of Larisa, had a son, the future king of Macedonia Antígono III.