For other uses of this term, see Balandrán (santo).
The balandrán is a warm-up garment, with a removable cap.
It was a garment worn by the ecclesiastics on the cassock. It consisted of a semicircular piece shaped like a herreruelo with two interior front sleeveless, that were covered by the own herreruelo. It was buckled with handles.
That afternoon Don Quixote was taken, not armed, but dressed in a railing, with a fawn cloth, which could have sweated at the same time. Don Quijote of La Mancha. Chap. LXII Miguel de Cervantes
The Provisor was wearing a fine alpaca balustrade with very small buttons, of slavine cut in the form of bat wings. He had something in his suit that Mephistopheles looks on Faust in the act of the serenade. The Regent. Chap. XXVII Leopoldo Alas