Magnus Mwalunyungu (* 25 August 1930 in Nsengilindete; † 13 February 2015 in Tosamaganga) was Roman Catholic Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi. Edit LifeQualtext
Magnus Mwalunyungu received the priest ordination on 23 August 1959. He was a rector of the priest's seminary in Kipalapala for many years.
Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Tunduru-Masasi on 30 March 1992. The archbishop of Daressalam, Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa, gave him the bishop's ordination on 25 June of that year; Co-conspirators were Mario Epifanio Abdallah Mgulunde, Archbishop of Tabora, and James Dominic Sangu, Bishop of Mbeya.
On 25 August 2005, Pope Benedict XVI took his resignation for reasons of age. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text Standard data (person): Wikipedia person search | No GND person record. Last review: 16 February 2015.