Legion III Flavia Salutis (First legion «flavia of health or salvation», cognomen of religious resonances) was a Roman legion, mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum as a canton in the East, along with the II Flavia Virtutis and the I Flavia Pacis. It is included among the XXXII Commune Legions XXXII ("Thirty-two Regiments of the first line"), in the chapter corresponding to Insignia viri illustris magistri peditum (Insignia of the illustrious general of the infantry) Sub dispositione viri illustris magister peditum praesentalis («To disposition of the Illustrious General of the Imperial Field Infantry "). Little is known of it, and the most that there are suppositions, from this document of the antiquity. It is believed to have been created by Emperor Constantius II at the beginning of the fourth century. She was quartered in the East, but she also fought in Africa.


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