Canton Santa Isabel

Province of Azuay in Ecuador Cantons of Azuay

Santa Isabel is a western canton of the province of Azuay in Ecuador. It is located in the upper and middle basins of the Jubones River. Its climate is varied and oscillates between 8 ° C and 24 ° C. 700msnm in the parish El Carmen de Pijilí up to 4125 masl in the parish of Shaglli, which presents great areas for biodiversity. Its territorial extension is of 771.42 km ² being the 9.63% of the province of Azuay

is 62 km from the City of Cuenca, following the Cuenca - Girón - Pasaje road. It forms part of the Jubones river basin, a river that crosses the Yunguilla valley from north to south and flows into the Pacific Ocean. They also have the most varied climates, ranging from the warm dry, and the cold of the moor. Its average altitude is of 1,620 msnm, has a temperature of 19.6 ° C

Hot climate valley with sugarcane crops, tomato kidney onion, cassava.

Coordinates: 3 ° 16'27 "S 79 ° 18'56" W / -3.27417, -79.31556


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