state policy
In the federal system of the Federal Republic of Germany, country policy refers to all policy areas that affect a state.
This is expressed in Article 70 of the Basic Law: (1) The Länder have the right to legislate insofar as this Basic Law does not confer legislative powers on the Confederation. (2) The delimitation of competencies between the Federation and the Länder is determined by the provisions of this Basic Law on exclusive and competing legislation.
The exclusive legislation of the Confederation is regulated by Articles 71 and 73 of the Basic Law and thus defines the areas of federal policy.
Competing legislation is regulated by Articles 72, 74, 74a and 75 of the Basic Law and gives countries the possibility of their own legislation "as long as and to the extent that the Confederation does not exercise its legislative rights"
The classical areas of the country's policy include cultural policy, educational policy, and regional and regional planning.
Actors of the state policy are the regional government with its subordinate administration, the regional parliament and the regional committees of the political parties Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext Wiktionary: Landespolitik - Significance of meaning, word origin, synonyms, translations