National Front for the Liberation of Chad
The National Front for the Liberation of Chad (FROLINAT) was a political-military organization of that African country. Foundation
FROLINAT was founded on 22 June 1966 in Nyala (Sudan) by groups of Chadian exiles who had fled the Tombalbaye regime.
His first secretary general was Ibrahim Abatcha, who died in 1968 in a clash with Chadian government forces. He was succeeded by a triumvirate formed by Abubakar Djalabo Othman, Mohammed El Baghlani and Adda Siddick. Othman represented the foreign delegation and disappeared during a visit to the guerrillas. Baghlani was also excluded from power, forming a split-up movement in 1970, the FROLINAT-Volcano, which he directed until his death in a car accident in Libya in March 1977. Only Siddick remained in power, former Minister of Education (1957-59), whose faction adopted the name FROLINAT-FPL (Popular Liberation Forces).