The Filles du Houtland
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Les Filles du Houtland is a novel by Annie Degroote published in 2002. Resize the code
In 1910 in Houtland (Flanders), Alcime bought a wooden barge. The foreman, Clays, violates Isoline, 17 years old. Valere, one year old, drowns in the icy water. They sometimes hire horses for hauling. Helene, the wife of Alcime, left. Isoline becomes a traveling seamstress. Alcime strikes Mildrede, 17 years old and she leaves. Clays killed Alcime who had appointed him heir to the barge. Marie takes Hedie, 10, to a sewing school in Paris. Mildrede burns the barge. In 1928 the Abbe de Isoline wrote to Hedie that Isoline needed her. She finds her dead and discovers that it was Clays who killed her. He dies in the houseboat where he has locked up Hedie that saves Mildrede, returned.