RACE of the Polish Left
The RACJA Polskiej Lewicy (Racja - Polish left) was an anticlerical party founded in 2002 as Antyklerikalna Partia Postepu RACJA. She was a left-wing Polish party. The initiator of the foundation was the anticlerical journal Fakty i Mity (facts and myths). Their ideology is based on social-democracy, anti-clericalism, feminism and pacifism.
Racja advocated a radical separation of church and state. In detail, the party opposed the interference of the Catholic Church in state affairs, against the religious education in schools and against the financial support of the Church by the state.
In June 2005 the party Maria Szyszkowska appeared as a candidate for the Polish presidential election, to which she only received 0.77% of the votes. She did not make the leap into the parliament either.
At the party conference on 23 November 2013, the accession to the party Twój Ruch was passed, after which the party itself dissolved. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Commons: RACJA Polskiej Lewicy - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files