Land Council Office Ansbach
The Landratsamt Ansbach is the administrative authority of the Landkreis Ansbach in Mittelfranken. It is located in Crailsheimstraße 1 in Ansbach, which itself is not part of the Ansbach district, but is circular. The governor has been Landrat Jürgen Ludwig (CSU) since the previous Landrat elections in 2012.
While the main administrative office of the Landratsamt is located in Crailsheimstraße 1 in Ansbach, there are six additional offices: The health office is located at Crailsheimstraße 64 in Ansbach, twice in Dinkelsbühl in Luitpoltstraße 5 and 5 a, in Feuchtwangen in the Jahnstraße 6 and twice in Rothenburg ob der Tauber in the Bezoldweg 31 and in the Kreuzerstraße 4 Weblinks Edit sourcetext
49.2968610.56253Koordinaten: 49 ° 17 '49 "N, 10 ° 33' 45" W Single-level Edit source text