Dave Sanders

William "Dave" Sanders (October 22, 1951 - April 20, 1999) was a computer and business professor who was killed during the Columbine Institute Massacre on April 20, 1999, near Littleton, Colorado , being the only teacher and the only adult to be killed that day. Sanders was also coach of the women's basketball and soccer team; was known as "Coach". He left a wife, Lisa, four children and five grandchildren.

On the day of the incident, when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold started firing outside the cafeteria, he noticed several students rushing out the window at gunshots, peered in and saw the two armed boys , so it alarmed the other students. At that moment, the cafeteria was full (at least about 480 students), so he immediately told the boys several outlets where they could go to safety, helped by two mayors of the institute. Basically the cafeteria was almost empty when the killers entered it, so thanks to Sanders saved many lives, the famous recordings of the cafeteria assault show Sanders running upstairs in what would be his last moments alive. Sanders was in one of the corridors of the school helping other students to hide in the halls when it was reached by at least two shots, made by Dylan Klebold according to some versions, was wounded in the torso, head and neck, reason why its wounds bleeding profusely. He was aided by a student and a teacher who took him to a nearby science classroom, according to the testimony, Sanders managed to enter by his own foot but vanished instantly. One student, Deidra Kucera, hit the window with the famous announcement "1 BLEEDING TO DEATH", but the message was not very clear and it was positioned where nobody could see it, the young people called each other but they were already there, something that was true, but the rescue teams could not enter because of the complicated situation, because they did not know who the killers were or where they were. Once the SWAT teams entered the institute they failed to find Sanders' location on time, because they did not know the place. When they finally arrived in the classroom, Sanders had already died of blood loss. After the events of Columbine, Sanders was recognized as a hero by all his students, relatives and friends, since thanks to him several young people managed to be saved and to hide of the assassins, received several posthumous recognitions, in addition, the field of softball of the institute was baptized with his name.

At his funeral, his daughter Angela said: "What you did on Tuesday was a huge act of heroism, even though you were hurt, you stayed strong, as we all knew you." Sources


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