Barbie: Fairytopia
Barbie: Fairytopia is a computer animated film starring the Barbie doll that premiered on March 8, 2005 is the first in the series of Fairytopia and is the first Barbie movie with an original idea. > Argument
Elina (Barbie) is a fairy who lives in a world called Fairytopia, home to all the fairies of the world, however and for an unknown reason, she has no wings and suffers from being unable to fly. All this changes when her home is affected by a mysterious disease that incapacitates all flying beings, being obviously the only one immune. It is soon discovered that the evil Laverna, twin sister of the Queen of Fairytopia, is responsible for this. Laverna kidnaps the 7 guardians to absorb the powers of their necklaces and use them to become the ruler of Fairytopia. Decided to help her friends, Elina embarks on an adventure to stop Laverna and save her home.