Cárcino el Viejo

For other uses of this term, see Cárcino.

Agrigento's Old Caraccino, the son of Jenothimo, was a Greek tragic poet of the 5th century BC. C., just mentioned. Thucydides refers that he was one of the three strategists that commanded in May of 431 a. C. a fleet of 100 triremes sent by Athens in aid of corcireos in the War between Corinth and Córcira. Augustine Meineke's research on the various characters called Carcino has shown that we must distinguish two tragic poets with this name.

According to tradition, Cárcino the Elder was a very good dancer, Aristophanes occasionally refers to him in mockery, his dramas, of which some fragment has been preserved, seem to have disappeared very soon. / p>


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