Quiteño Libre was a weekly newspaper of the city of Quito, Ecuador, in 1833. The newspaper was founded by political antagonists of President Juan José Flores. One of the writers of the newspaper was the politician Pedro Moncayo.

The newspaper lasted from May 12 to September 14, 1833. The essence of El Quiteño Libre was nationalist, anti-militarist and anti-Colombian, and its members had even been characterized as anti-Bolivarians.

Manuel Albán, Manuel Matheu, Ignacio Zaldumbide, Roberto Ascázubi, Manuel Ontaneda, Vicente Rocafuerte and Pedro Moncayo were among the most notable personalities who were members of "El Quiteño Libre". newspaper, General Jose Maria Saenz and Colonels Wright and Hall, among others.

Juan José Flores ordered the members of the newspaper to be assassinated, but less to Vicente Rocafuerte who would become his opponent and the winner of the following elections and would not let Flores continue his discrimination and support to the military. It had direct participation in the antifloreana revolution that 12 of October of 1833 exploded in Guayaquil directed by Pedro Mena.


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