Statue of the Diskophoros, Kopie nach Naukydes, Paris, Louvre Ma 89
Naukydes was a Greek sculptor from Argos who, in the late 5th / early 4th century BC, Chr. Lived.
Naukydes came from a family of sculptors, his father Patrokles and his brothers Daidalos and Periklytos were active in this field.
Naukydes created a gold ivory statue of the Hebe for the Heratempel in Argos, an ore image of the Hecate, a Hermes, several statues of victory, the portrait of the poetess Erinna, an utterly sacrificing Phrixos (on the Acropolis at Athens) and a discobhor (discophoros) / p>
Several Roman marble sculptures of the discophoros are preserved, including the Vatican, the Louvre in Paris and the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt
Naukydes was a pupil or grandchild of the older Polyklet. He was also the brother or teacher of the early- Chr., Which may possibly be identified with the architect of the same name. Perhaps he was also the teacher of the more advanced 4th century BC, Known as Polyklet III. Edit source text Single-level Edit source text Standard data (person): VIAF: 96159795 | Wikipedia People Search