Astronomical office

The Astronomical Office was founded by Oswald Thomas in Kronstadt in Siebenbürgen in May 1907 and moved to Vienna with him in 1913. After the death of the founder in 1963, he was taken over by his pupil Hermann Mucke ("Studiosus Mucke") and is led by him and his wife Ruth. The Astronomical Office was initially used as a collection point for observing the day and at night, and allowed Oswald Thomas to draw up precise path calculations for fireballs and meteorites from numerous vague indications

It is to this day an astronomical contact point and scientific institution within the framework of the Austrian Astronomical Society. The office has been publishing the astronomical magazine "Sternenbote" and the astronomical yearbook "Himmelkalender" for almost 50 years. In addition, he is also involved in the Sterngarten, within the scope of his educational tasks in the area of ​​heavenly life, with which a conceptual educational idea of ​​the first leader, Oswald Thomas, was developed and realized by the current head Hermann Mucke. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Standard Data (Corporate Body): LCCN: n85803717 VIAF: 158353718


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