Angel (Michelangelo)

The Angel, portacandelabro, is a sculpture in marble, made by Michelangelo in 1494 for the Ark of Santo Domingo of the Basilica of Santo Domingo in Bologna.

Due to the death in 1494 of the sculptor Niccolo dell'Arca who was making the decoration of the tomb of Santo Domingo de Guzman, Michelangelo was used for the completion of the images of San Petronio, San Procolo and a portacandelabro angel coupled with the one executed by Niccolo dell'Arca. The work of Michelangelo's Angel, which is the only winged in all his sculpture, is shown in a great contrast with the delicate sculpture of Niccolo dell'Arca, Michelangelo returns to the typical Tuscan sculpture of the fifteenth century, but with a monumental air, one sees in the clothes a great dynamism with a clear memory to Jacopo of the Quercia. This work is documented in the biographies of Vasari and Condivi. Bibliography consulted


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