Staufenberg School Durbach
The Staufenberg school is a primary and primary school with a school for the work in Durbach. It was erected in 1899 at the current location. About 220 pupils in classes 1-9 are taught by 18 teachers. The first and second classes are located in the campus in Ebersweier, where the school administration is located in the main building in Durbach. The catchment area of the Staufenberg school stretches from the mountain range over Durbach and Unterweiler to Ebersweier. Edit HistoryQual
In 1787 the school was built in the hamlet of Gebirg. The first mention of a school in the former school and town hall can be found in the years around 1792. This school building was expanded in 1823. The former business "Zum Staufenberg" was converted into the second school building in 1848. In 1899, the school was rebuilt at the present location. By 1978, extensions had been added in the form of physics, plant, HTW space, school kitchen, teacher room and multi-purpose room. In 1979, the school building in Ebersweier became the site of the GHS Durbach. This was renovated in 1995.
Currently, the planning is going to expand and refurbish the school. Edit profiling source text
Many projects, activities and AGs are offered under the profile of the school "Movement Nature Health". In Ebersweier, many students are looked after by the model "Reliable Elementary School" during the first and last school term. Weblinks Edit sourcetext