Placemat Activity
The Placemat Activity is a form of group work and a component of cooperative learning and belongs to Civic Education. In the German-speaking world, it is also called placematography.
The class is divided into (student) groups. Each group consists of four members. Each group gets a placemat that has been prepared as on the figure below, so that four fields plus one in the middle arise. The placemat has a size of A3 or A2 paper. Placemat
Everyone gets an order on a specific topic, for example: What do you mean by democracy? Each participant writes his thoughts, ideas or knowledge on his part of the placemat in a pre-determined time - about five to ten minutes.
The classic approach is as follows:
Finally, each group presents their work results of the whole class. For this purpose, a daylight projector can be placed in the middle.