Tresillo (juego)

The tresillo (also called rocambor) is a card game, very common in Spain during the 19th century. In each game a player ("the player" faces the other two that is said to "go against"). One of them is "first" and the other is called "indifferent." The player wins if he gains more tricks than any of his opponents and loses otherwise: "put" if he ties tricks or "elbow" if he gets fewer tricks than The number of players is usually four (sometimes three are allowed), with only three players making the throw of the game. which is called the mayor or drone.


In the case of four players, the mayor plays three cards to the three players in a way that accumulates nine per player. Thirteen cards will be left and placed in a deck on the table for discards. You play nine tricks, so the player will win whenever he gets five tricks or four if his opponents make three and two.


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