
A facility management system or facility management system includes a set of facilities and services that are linked to each other in facility processes and planned and controlled by facility management.

The linkage and control of facilities and services within the facility management system takes place in such a way that the greatest possible benefit is achieved in the sense of the requirements. For this purpose, facility processes within the FM system do not run side by side but interactively with one another in order to exploit synergies.

All disciplines (organization, technology, economics, ecology, law) are used within the Facility Management System to meet the requirements. Within the Facility Management System, in addition to economic and functional interactions, temporal causalities in the life cycle of facilities are also taken into account.

The term facility management system is to be understood as analogous to quality management system, environmental or occupational safety management system, which is a management system as defined in section 3.2.2 of DIN EN ISO 9000. The facility management system is the comprehensive framework for all FM activities of a user. Accordingly, there are not several, but only one, application-specific facility management system within a company.

A DV system for Facility Management is not to be described as an FM system, Eg as a CAFM system. Edit source source text Edit source text Weblinks Edit sourcetext


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