Taxonomy of alliances

Taxonomy of the Alliances is called the strategic tool, used by medium and large companies, in order to combine the capacities they have individually and thus to enhance their business. That is to say, each organization that is involved must identify its comparative advantages in order to unify them among themselves and obtain the competitive advantages proposed in the short term, that differentiate them in the competitive market.

The Taxonomy of Alliances deals with particular strategic cooperation agreements considered very efficient for organizations, but which in turn face great risks and requires a high level of responsibility and commitment for its operation. Alliances can be established for different reasons, either by production, marketing, technology integration, among others, but it is essential for the success of the union, the basic agreement of the mission, vision, values ​​and objectives of the new organization to be will set.

The development of a strategic alliance, is considered of great importance to face the great changes that occur in the present of constant form. Many organizations consider it a viable option for growth and evolution, as well as strengthening the business concept.


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