Guardian of German Intellectual Worker

The Schutzkartell Deutscher Geistesarbeiter was an organization founded in 1918 to promote the interests of members of higher, academic and quasi-academic professions.

The "Schutzkartell", founded on 22 November 1918 as a "Reichsausschuß der Akademischen Berufsstands", also included the professional associations of new academic professions, in addition to the associations of classical academic professions (pastors, : the Association of German Diploma Engineers (VDDI, founded 1909); the Confederation of Chemical Engineers and Engineers (Budaci, founded in 1919), as well as the Association of Senior Employees in Trade and Industry (Vela), the members of which were only academically educated in middle and senior management. Thus, the umbrella organization, which was chaired by the theologian and the Reichstag parliamentarian Otto Everling, presumably organized more than 100,000 members of academic and quasi-academic professions. Since the middle of the 1920s, Everling has been providing the associations' magazines of the above-mentioned occupational groups with contributions which, in a corporate social order, saw the escape from the income and employment crisis of the higher professions, The association played a significant role in the establishment of nationalistic socialist ideas, which were only identical in some respects, with a national socialist ideology in the educational bourgeoisie. In 1934 the "protective cartel" dissolved. Edit source text


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