Cantina de escarnio

The cantiga de amor escarnio and maldecir (or of escarno, in Galician-Portuguese) is a satirical genre of the Galician-Portuguese medieval lyric, derived from the sirventés provenzallas cantigas of mockery (that uses misunderstandings and concealed words) and the one of cursing ( curse), in which the poet clearly expresses his insults. However, in the song books it is not usually distinguished between the two.

As for metrics, they follow the same conventions as the love songs.

There are five types:

a) Literary satire.

b) Political and moral satire: Martim Moixa, Pedro da Ponte and Airas Nunes stand out

c) Personal satire.

d) Sexual satire

e) Social satire.

In some cases, the songs of derision show the tensions between the troubadours, generally belonging to the nobility, and minstrels, of low social extraction.

This genre belongs to the oldest literary document known in Galician or Portuguese, the song Ora do ost'o lord of Navarre by João Soares de Paiva, born in 1141.


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