Automatic radar plotting aid

Typical radar system on board

An Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) is an automatic radar plotting device, a radar plotting aid or a radar image evaluation device. Ships in the area are automatically tracked and displayed on the display with speed and speed.

The ARPA system is a modern tool (information provider) in the decision-making of the ship's route to safe passage, taking into account the collision prevention rules of 1972 and the correct and effective use of radar information to reduce pollution. It enables a systematic observation of displayed objects on a high level, a fast, exact as well as comprehensive situation evaluation and realizes among other things the following functions:

ARPA devices are equipped with radar, gyro and travel gauge data and can display secondary information obtained from the vessel's radar system. Furthermore, the edited information can be displayed on a separate screen. The technical operating requirements for the ARPA system (performance standard / performance parameters) were prepared by the IMO and adopted in 1979 as a resolution of the General Assembly A. 422 (XI).


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