Pila del Goose neighborhood

Barrio Pila del Ganso is an old neighborhood of the Central Station Commune in the City of Santiago de Chile.

It comprises an area bounded by General Amengual Street and Professor's Village to the west, Obispo UmaƱa Street and the commercial area of ​​the Central Station of Santiago to the east, Av. Ecuador al Norte and Av. 5 de Abril and the Arica Street to the South, where the Los Nogales Population is located. History Although its construction began in the mid-nineteenth century, its origins as a neighborhood date back to the 1880s, when settlement in the Pacific War veterans sector and the workers of the nascent Company of The Railways of the State of Chile.

The name of the neighborhood derives from a bronze fountain shaped like a child with a goose in its arms, currently located at the intersection of Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins Avenue and Padre Alberto Hurtado Avenue. The origin and origin of the "Pile of the Goose" is until now unknown. The popular tradition tells that this bronze structure would have been brought from Lima as part of the booty that Chilean troops brought from the Pacific War. It is said that the original of this work is called "The child with the goose" and would be in the Louvre of Paris. The most probable thing is that it is simply an ornament of the old "Chuchunco Fundo" that was located in the sector .


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