
Kirch Sant Roc de Sornàs

Sornàs is a village in the Parroquía Ordino in Andorra. It counted 240 inhabitants in 2015.

In Sornàs is the church of Sant Roc de Sornàs from 1750. Edit the source text

Sornàs is located in the center of the country of Andorra and in the south of Parroquía Ordino. The village is crossed by the Riu de Sornàs and is located a few meters east of the Riu Valira d'Orient. Sornàs is located about 1.3 kilometers north of the town of Ordino and about 9 kilometers north of Andorra la Vella. Single-level Edit source text

42.56491.52744Koordinaten: 42 ° 34'N, 1 ° 32'W


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