
Aterm is a VT100 terminal emulator for the X Window System, similar to xterm, rxvt or Eterm. The software is under the GNU General Public License and is provided by most Linux distributions as well as many other free unixoid systems within the framework of the respective package management.

Codebase for the program was version 2.4.8 of rxvt from the year 1999. The software is essentially developed within the framework of the AfterStep-project. Nevertheless, aterm is not dependent on an installed AfterStep. Although aterm is independent of AfterStep in this sense and can be used with a wide range of window managers, parts of the functionality can only be used with AfterStep. This includes features like influencing the appearance of AfterStep Themes.

aterm supports pseudo-transparency. Unlike other terminal emulators such as xterm or urxvt, however, no UTF-8 is supported.

The development of aterm was discontinued in early 2008; urxvt has been the preferred terminal emulator of the AfterStep project ever since. Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text


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