Rhona Brankin

The Cabinet Barre III was appointed on 7 April 1978 after Raymond Barre was appointed Prime Minister on 4 April 1978 for the third time. The Cabinet succeeded in replacing the second Barre government and was rebuilt several times over the following years. The government was in office until 14 May 1981 and was then replaced by the Cabinet Mauroy I.

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The Cabinet was composed of the following Ministers: Ministers and State Secretaries Edit the source text

The Cabinet also includes the following Ministers and Secretaries of State: Weblinks Edit sourcetext Single-level Edit source text French governments since 1958

Debre | Pompidou I | Pompidou II | Pompidou III | Pompidou IV | Cuve of Murville | Chaban-Delmas | Messmer I | Messmer II | Messmer III | Chirac I | Barre I | Barre II | Barre III | Mauroy I | Mauroy II | Mauroy III | Fabius | Chirac II | Rocard I | Rocard II | Cresson | Bérégovoy | Balladur | Juppé I | Juppe II | Jospin | Raffarin I | Raffarin II | Raffarin III | of Villepin | Fillon I | Fillon II | Fillon III | Ayrault I | Ayrault II | Valls I | Valls II | Cazeneuve | Philippe I | Philippe II


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