Soviet parallel cinema

Parallel cinema is an underground movement in the Soviet cinema born in the decade of the years 1970-80. It was formed in opposition to the canons of both official art and author's cinema. The main aspects of the style of the Soviet parallel cinema were apolitical, attention to perversity, violence without reason, death, rejection of the beautiful, the image built, total independence of the official structures. / p> The story of creation of the movement

With the arrival of Stalin to power disappeared freedom of expression in the work of Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov. Since then in the Soviet cinema was established and maintained for 60 years the era of Soviet realism approved by censorship. This era of gender stagnation in Soviet cinema provoked the birth of a new kind of protest, ultravanguardia that received the name "parallel cinema". Necro-realism was one of the movements within this genre. Eyvgeny Yufit was part of the latter movement. In their works the corpses appear making the sex and after eating the brains of each other and so on. These essays denounced metaphorically the realities of the Soviet Union.

In 1987 the first issue of the magazine "Cine Fantom" was published, its only author was Igor Aleinikov. The first five numbers were made with the involvement of mixed technique, collage and printed texts, but from the 6th issue the magazine contained only texts. There were no more than 30 copies of the magazine. The magazine was dedicated to the parallel cinema and to the new criticism, they took the magazine "Cahiers du Cinema" of example. The last issue of the magazine was published in 1990.

In 1987, the first parallel film festival "Cine Fantom Fest 87" was inaugurated in Moscow. The films of Gleb and Igor Aleinikov, Boris Yukhananov, Petr Pospelov and other directors were screened within the framework of this festival at the Kurchatov Cultural Center and at the Film Center. The next edition of the festival was organized by Sergei Dobrotvorski two years later in Leningrad. At the end of the 90th Gleb Aleinikov organizes two more editions of the festival but these already become deeply marginalized events.

In May of 1988 Alexandr Sokurov created Film School where the "parallel" marginalized filmmakers had the possibility of professional growth by running with the film camera, video camera and editing the documentary material of others. Accepted 7 students, in a month were 5. Later Alexandr Sokurov considered the level of "paralelshik" insufficient and closed the School. However, one of the pupils Sergei Vinokurov made two films already after the closure of the school. Evgenii Yufit continued to work in fiction films. The first work of the "paralelshiki" was the film "Here was somebody" made by the brothers Aleinikov in the film studio "Mosfilm" that premiered in 1989. In the 1990 Evgeni Yufit carries out the "Knights of the ciel "in" Lenfilm "and premiered" The passage of comrade Tchkalov on the North Pole "of Maksim Pezhemski. In 1992 the "Traktoristas" of the brothers Aleinikov premiered. After this film the collaborations of the "paralelshik" with the state film studios are over.

In 1994 Igor Aleinikov died with his wife in a plane crash. Notes


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