Bad Judge

Bad Judge is a television series affiliated with the genre comedy co-created by Chad Kultgen and Anne Heche, who are also executive producers of the series, along with Will Ferrell, Kate Walsh, Adam McKay, Chris Henchy, Betsy Thomas and Jill Sobel Messick for Universal Television.The series, which debuted on NBC on October 2, 2014, was broadcast on Thursdays at 9:00 p.m. NBC canceled the series on October 31 of that year; anyway the channel will broadcast the full season of 13 chapters. Argument

The series chronicles Rebecca Wright's personal chronicles (and crazy life), a tough judge serving the Los Angeles County Circuit Court, who spends her free time partying and displaying a casual lifestyle. She has a reputation as feared by Robby Shoemaker, an 8-year-old boy Rebecca left without parents after putting them in prison. Maybe this is the one that rolled over Rebecca's life.


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