
In the fictional universe created by J. R. R. Tolkien, Cuiviénen is the place where the Kendi or elves were born. Its name (cuivier + nen) means "water of the awakening" and it is said that it was a bay of the Inner Sea of ​​Helcar, in the far east of Middle Earth, created by the collapse of the pillar that supported the lamp Illuin. The Awakening of the elves took place in archaic times, during the Ages of the Trees, but many centuries after this period, the world was transformed by the different tumults and wars, and there is no possible return to Cuiviénen.

The call to the elves took place here, when the eldar left Cuiviénen towards Aman in the west, summoned by the Vala Oromë. Those who preferred to remain in Middle-earth, came to be called Avari (dark elves or gatherers, since they rejected the call of the Valar and never contemplated its light).


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