
The Aitvaras (lit. aitvaras) is a figure from the Baltic mythology and legend world.

The Aitvaras is flying and he is mostly fiery, but can change his appearance. He brings grain and other wealth, but he occasionally takes it from his neighbors. If he is burned, he burns down the house. It was first mentioned in 1547 by Martynas MaÅžvydas. From later sources he is also compared with the incubus. In some aspects there is similarity to the Alb. Otherwise it is compared with the snake or more frequently with the dragon - the children's toy "kite" is accordingly called aitvaras in Lithuanian.

The Aitvara is hatched out of the egg of a seven-year-old cock or from the testicle of a black stallion, or by feeding with an egg-feeding. The name has been explained differently, but no explanation is generally accepted. Edit source text Edit source text


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