
Anjunnefer (Ankhwennefer) or Harmajis), was a native dignitary of Egypt, who ruled in the Thebaida from 199 to 186 BC. C.

Anjunnefer was the successor of the dignitary Horunnefer, and ruled from Thebes, but lost power in the city in 199-198 BC. C. and in the rest of the Thebaida in 191-190 a. C. Although it was supported by the army of Meroe, it was finally defeated by Comanos, a commander to the orders of Ptolemy V. In the battle the son of Anjunnefer was killed and he was captured the 27 of August of 186 a. C. The synod in Alexandria declared to Anjunnefer enemy of the gods, nevertheless, it pardoned later to him, and in September of the same year it was released.

Also Lycopolis, in the Delta, rose against Alexandria, lasting the insurrection until 185 a. C., when it was repressed by Policrates de Argos. The leader of the rebellion suffered torment until death in Sais.


Nombre de Sa-Ra: ˁnḫ un nfr mr is.t mr imnn ˁ nsu ptr ntr Other hypotheses

Some historians estimate that Horunnefer and Anjunnefer are the same person who changed his name in 199 BC. C. for unknown reasons.


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