The Third Triumvirate is the name given to an attempt to form a government in the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata in 1815. In the middle of the period of the Directory, it did not become fully formed nor took any measure of government, nor was it dissolved or recognized outside Buenos Aires. It is not usually counted among the Argentine governments.

Should be made up of: Emergence When a popular revolution caused the resignation of the then Supreme Director Carlos Maria de Alvear, on April 18, 1815, the Cabildo of Buenos Aires temporarily appointed a new triumvirate, the Third Triumvirate, which would be valid until the appointment of a new Supreme Director. Ending

Given its provisional character, this new triumvirate was in fact dissolved on April 20, 1815, two days after being appointed its members, after the appointment of José Rondeau as Supreme Director. However, since it was in Upper Peru, the new director was temporarily replaced by Ignacio Alvarez Thomas in the capital.


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